My Details

My giving

I/we agree that Catholic Development Fund ID Number 025223 may debit and/or charge any amount through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS), from the account nominated on this form. Each debit or charge must be effected according to the Service Agreement.
Provides for priest’s monthly stipend, private health insurance and superannuation contribution.
Provides for parish operating costs such as insurance, utilities, telecommunications, general maintenance and upkeep of the church, presbytery, buildings and parish property. Provides for any loan debt servicing for parish buildings. Provides for parish pastoral programs. Provides for parish staff salaries including superannuation. Provides for car expenses for the priest(s) in the parish. Provides for a Cathedraticum (contribution) to the bishop towards the costs of running the diocese (10%).

My bank account details

Before you press submit, please click and read the Service Agreement . Your submission of this form indicates that you (and any joint account holders, or the director and secretary if the account is held by a company, or if signing on behalf of an entity) have the authority to authorise the direct debit, have read and accept the terms of the Service Agreement and can confirm that the details on this form have been checked and are correct.